Interfacing Raspberry pi with Motors
Interfacing L298N Motor Driver Module with Raspberry Pi will allow us to control a DC Motor (in fact, you can control two DC Motors). When I say to control a DC Motor, I mean you can start a motor, stop it, make it rotate in forwarding direction, backward directions, increase the speed of rotation, and also decrease the speed. For this, I’ll be using the L298N Motor Driver Module
- Raspberry Pi with raspbian os installed
- Motor driver(LM298 or L293D Module & not the IC)
- Power supply(usually 12v)
- Female-Female jumper cables
- Make connections as shown in the diagram

- Connect the negative wire to raspberry pi zero GND pin
- Connect the motors to the driver (No polarity you can connect anyhow…functionality may vary according to the connection)
- Make a new file in raspberry pi
sudo nano
4. Copy and paste the code
5. Execute the program by typing